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A visual vanishing deck of cards


A card is selected from a regular deck of cards. The magician asks for three chances to find the chosen card. The first attempt results in a card of the same value but a different suit. The second attempt results in a card of the same suit but different value. The final attempt is more impressive... the entire deck of cards vanish except for the chosen card.


Humbug uses an optical illusion principle to achieve the above effect as well as many others.


No Flaps. No Pulls. No Magnets. No Nonsense.


"I don't buy card tricks but this I want. This shocked me! I'm doing it on TV."


"Humbug looks like real magic and it's easy to do. It is soooo clever!"

Andy Nyman


"This looks incredible, too clean and visual for words! This a trick that amazes people."

David Regal


"I have never seen such a clean, visual and easy vanish of a deck of cards before. Get it. You won't regret it."

Will Houstoun

"Humbug is one of the most miraculous effects I have seen in years."

Martin Breese

"Humbug is badass! It's a keeper. I hate you!"

Nathan Kranzo


"Humbug is brilliant! To the best of my knowledge, Angelo has created a new principle that is devilishly deceptive."

Peter Duffie


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